Monday, March 22, 2004

Posted by FarahF at 11:47:00 PM
Pirates of the Caribbean!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Posted by FarahF at 11:41:00 PM
You are an angel of the forest. You love to have a
good time and to get in trouble. For you, it's
all fun and games. You like to have friends,
preferably not human, and can converse with all
animals. You love to party, and like to be
alone. You are a deep person, but most people
miss it. Thinking that you are just childish
and young. Which you are not. You are old, and
wise, even if nobody can see it. You know what
the real world is like, better that your peers.
You have a naturally beatiful singing voice,
and are a natural with most instruments. You can often loose your self. But will always find
yourself again. For that is just who you are. Be happy. Never change. Because you are beautiful.

What Type Of Angel Have You Become?
brought to you by Quizilla

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