Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Posted by FarahF at 11:42:00 PM
i got this from email posted my meema. it's kind of fascinating.... Reading Test --->   I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg -------------------------------------------------------- THE PAOMNNEHAL PWEOR OF THE HMUAN MNID Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? hehe, can you fguire it tihs tinhg out yet? hpoeflluy you wlil be albe to...:) so waht you tihnk? ferkay eh?

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Posted by FarahF at 2:11:00 PM
this is updated from a nearby cc. am currently wif fazli.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Posted by FarahF at 11:37:00 PM
it sounded so familiar, isn't it? Grown-ups love figures.  When you tell them that you have made a new friend, they never ask you any questions about essential matters.  They never say to you, &34;What does his voice sound like?  What games does he love best?  Does he collect butterflies?" Instead, they demand:  "How old is he?  How many brothers has he?  How much does he weigh?  How much money does his father make?"  Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince, 1943, translated from French
Posted by FarahF at 11:37:00 PM
It sounded familiar, isn't it? Grown-ups love figures.  When you tell them that you have made a new friend, they never ask you any questions about essential matters.  They never say to you, &34;What does his voice sound like?  What games does he love best?  Does he collect butterflies?" Instead, they demand:  "How old is he?  How many brothers has he?  How much does he weigh?  How much money does his father make?"  Only from these figures do they think they have learned anything about him.  ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince, 1943, translated from French.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Posted by FarahF at 8:12:00 PM
my current posting is orthopaedics , and i am in hospital pakar sultanah fatimah,muar still. still struggling to grab the basic concept, and i am brushing up my anatomy knowledge feverishly. it's a fascinating field really, and kind of straight forward if ur basics are right. we are dealing mainly with fractures and cold cases. today, we saw one old man with colles' fracture of left wrist. well, basically its a fracture of lower part of a bone of forearm (distal part of radius). he met with an accident and fall  with outstreched hand from his bike on the left side and following the fall he experienced pain, swelling, deformity and restricted movement of that particular hand. But, no associated injury present. talking about colles' fracture, i once had the same thing. And i can remember the incident very vividly in my mind. i was 10 years old that time. Rode a bicycle,  and fall on my ritght side  with my palm outstrecthed. it was soo painful ok. i can never describe the instant pain that rushing through my body correctly. it was so painful that i felt like i'm going to pass out. i remembered that my vision blurred and and i was actually rushing into the house like org mabuk todi unsteadily. hehe..then, my whole body sweats, it was a cold sweat. i can't mobilise my limb. i can't hold anything in my hand. and it swelled up immediately. but, cant remember if there's any deformity or not. But, i didn't tell my mum or my grandma. I was too scared that they might nag or punish me coz i wasn't allowed to go out playing that day. But, somehow my mum noticed at dinnertime coz i wasn't my usual self, happily eating away. My hand hurts so much that i cant even suap nasi into my mouth. Then, apa lagi, diorang send me straight away to hospital. Tu pun, i think it was nearly 10 something at nite. Lucky, i wasn't admitted. U see, when i was a kid, i really did'nt smile with the idea of being admitted or makan ubat. Tak suka, maa! well, but now i am actually the one going to admit ppl and make them take medicine. How ironic is that. But  then, again  i've known a few drs that actually never take medicine if they are down with flu or fever. So, i guess, being drs doesn't mean u are actually health conscious or medicine frenly( Yeah, that also include me ). And as for example : smoking.  How many drs do smoke even though they know the hazards of smoking? And i bet many more were actually drinking heavily when they perfectly knew the consequences as well. So, as conclusion drs are perfectly human. and being human, they can't, but help sometimes , to do things that they are not supposed to do, to be tempted with things which is forbidden to population in general...hehe( and that includes smoking, drinking, eating fatty diet, not exercising, and bla bla bla). SO, PLZ DO STOP REGARDING  US AS SAINTED HUMAN K! coz i am ain't one. And, never wanna be one either....

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Posted by FarahF at 9:18:00 PM
i am back in hostel room. the family left to kl after dropping me down here. i'm feeling lost in a sudden. i just feel that the three days holiday( including one day class bunking) is just not enuf. i feel so drained lately, maybe becoz of the workload.  how i wish i can just break free once, fly back to kt,   breathe with ease, find myself drowned in the tranquility of its nature , and emerged rejuvenated and renewed. But, alas.... no more holidays until next two weeks. hopefully, they are giving off for graduation day. i cant wait....huh~ both my parents and sisters are down in kl..ups, i did mention up there izzit? nvm. they are heading straight to Ampang Puteri, i think. well, just hope my sis turns out -ve. she will definitely be thrilled if it's so, coz well, she is supposed to go school camping.  (And because of this thing, her whole plan rosak already). Other than that, the whole family will be relieved too. But, its too early to say anything right? My other sister, she hasn't stop burping since last week according to my mum. It's terrible. She goes on and on burping. Kesian dia, asik sendawa cam nenek tua. I did laugh initially, teasing her that she's acting superbly to gain mum's attention( nowadays, my mum lavished the utmost attention to my baby sis). But then, dia tak acting. Betul punyer sendawa. Coz when we try to make her suprised or scared, she never stopped burping. She only stop when she fall asleep. Then, my baby sis lak suh dia jgn makan durian, nanti sendawa bau durian.( when i went back,my mum bought lots of durian)..Hehe, sorry, i know that this bit might be distressing or even disgusting to some ppl. But, i just cant suppress my 'kepelikan' over this condition. Maybe i should start opening my handbook of differential diagnosis to look over this bizarre condition. Huhu, finally, its medicine time!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Posted by FarahF at 10:13:00 PM
i haven't update for quite a long time. its not that i give up trying to write. but somehow, i dont find anything exciting or significant enuf to be jotted down. somehow, i am going back home tomorrow.the sole reason is becoz The whole family is currently not in the pink of health. mum is weak and lethargic due to her back problem(well she's been having this for years already), and my youngest baby sister is down with some rashes around the cheek. and she's seen by the specialist and they are querying SLE.well, things looks quite gloomy rite now. (she's been having oral ulcers constantly for few months, and also joint pain.)and they say she has 5 symptoms in favour of lupus out of 11.somehow, HKT cant conduct any definite investigations as to scarce resources(what!dont tell me govt dont have money, they are taxing us for what then??),and they are about to start off steroid on my poor baby sis based on clinical diagnosis alone ( hello, the symptoms are very non specific, doc!). it's a good thing mum actually hushed the idea off. well, they say it wont do much harm on my sis to start off the steroids, even if she turns out of not having lupus. huh, never ever in my 4 yrs of being a medical student, my lecturers says anything of that nature. they has been highlighting here and there, again and again repeatedly that we are to be CAUTIOUS to start off steroids, and the drugs are not to be given unnecessarily. well,and this are all not for nothing, obviously, it's because of the side effects dreaded.so, my mum finally decided to get her referred to ampang puteri. i guess, that's the best opted for her now. well, i guess i just have to see her condition myself.i cant wait to see her . i am worried, and i dont want anything bad to happen to any of my family. but then, i guess that's all life is all about. trials,woes,worries woven together with happiness,contentment and hopes. well, i still have hopes.lots of them. hopefully, it will turn out something else less morbid. i pray god,let it be something else less terrifying. plz,plz,plz...

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