we has two additions at home. a pair of cute kittens and bunnies. on the nite of hari raya haji, we found the first kitten lying in front of the gate in pouring rains. my sis, who is our future vet, immediately running and jumping up and down at the sight of the poor kitty, squealing with delight at the prospect of a new pet.Dad has been persistent before of not getting anymore pets. but, this one just broke the rules. the kitten was immediately adopted and given food and shelter. much to my siss delight. becoz of that, i nearly missed my bus to mlk. apparently the very next day, another kitten appeared mysteriously on the doorstep. that also was automatically adopted. u see, our house has always been the shelter house for kucing2 terbiar. but, one sad thing, when they arrived mysteriously on our doorstep, skinny, hungry and ugly.we will take them in, give them a home, gemukkan mereka with friskies and whiskas until dad pockets has a hole bayar beratus2 sebulan for feline's food,shower them with our affection and love .then after a while, after they look adorable,gemuk and clean, they will also go mysteriously missing. mum and sis will then end up crying again. aparaa...asik buat my house rumah kucing2 yatim jer.
oh yeah,regarding the two kittens, there is a big confusion for their name. as they are partly brown and white, mum call them cik lat and cik teh. abah calls one cik nor and another cik ton (after my mum and my aunt). and my granny calls one tipah and selamah. my sis? she names them julie and lily(one after my late cat). and finally,after the arrival of the bunnies, they were decided on being sapphire and ruby. but i donno la, which is which. my sis should be able to tell, as she is the godmother now.
the bunnies arrived last week. we went to pasar tani, as abah was looking for pokok bungas. my two siss came in and saying they are going to visit the arnab booth. suddenly, when i came into the car, i saw them clutching the plastic with the poor bunnies inside. siap ngan kangkungs...excellent and efficient move. mum and dad cant say anything...i seriosly suspect they also want the bunnies, coz after that, they spent almost every afternoon and evening playing with the two species. but really, they are cute. the bunnies are named emerald and diamond.funny aight, calling "diamond,diamond,meh maakan kangkung." hehe....
before this we has had few pets.from cats to canaries to fishes to bunnies also
well, u see, our so much loved pet - a persian named TIGERBOY as for his close resemblance to tiger, has died few months ago in a very tragic manner- broke my sister's and mum's heart alot.he was the last before dad imposed a rule of not allowing anyone adopted a pet. some car apparently hit him. and sis said it was terrible. since i wasnt at home at that time, i cant give much account of what happened. but, nevertheless, boy also was so lovable, and loving. very manja and suka dimanja.
and my very own pet, I named her GIRL,LILY OF THE VALLEY. She also went missing few months before BOY died. we strongly believed that she also is dead. it broke my heart too. i remember the phone call so well. i was waiting for fazli to finish his maghrib prayer in the surau in front of the college before dinner. suddenly, the phone rang, my sister was on the line. she was abit teragak2, and was saying: "kak, nak kabor nih,tapi ermm,jgn sedih," when, the words were said, i know its something concerning my girl. coz they all know very well, how much i love the cat. until, mum used to accuse me of loving the cat more than my sisters. well, partly its untrue, cos i regard her as my companion and my child. i know this sounds insane, or maybe absurd. but she meant so much to me...she was always there for me, sitting wif me when i was sad or happy. she loves me as much as i do. she trusted me as i trusted her. thats y my mouth went dry when i heard my sis tone, and knowing what was coming. and then, sis said she went missing in action for few days already. and they were so frantic looking for her everywhere. its true, in the past, lily been missing for few days. but she will always come back. but this time,she doesnt. i know then,i wont be seeing her anymore. so i went weeping there and then with my sis listening on with horror, i know, coz she was yelling at mum, saying "kakak nangis dah." and mum doesn't help much by saying she spoke to my aunt. and my aunt said that usually a cat whenever they are about to die, if they love the family they are with, they will bawa diri and die alone somewhere else. it even futrher broke my heart. i wont be seeing her for the last time.and she died a loner. there will be nomore sight of her being overjoyed at seeing me when i come back home for my holidays. or her running to me whenever hearing my voice with her favourite friskies. she wont be accompanying me studying until late at night, fighting for my attention by sitting on my books that i left open. and nomore her large brown eyes looking up wide and soft whenever i talk to her,seeming to drink in every words, or sharing my pillow(she sleeps with me) or cuddling like a baby in my comforter or her soft contented purring sound when i tickled her. oh gosh, how i miss her. and thats y, i can never betray her by getting another pet. i know this sounds absurd, but i feel she understands my emotions, seems to understand when i am sad or down. and she's soo special to me. she was once, my most loyal fren before i met FAZLI. and i thank god, because Fazli is a very supportive partner. most ppl might be frowning when they are reading my entry now, maybe u all will be thinking i am such a baby or fool to cry over a mere dead cat. but, u see, again she's not only a cat, she is a fren. maybe u wont understand the depth of the love that i have for her, but nor do i. and fazli, seeing a weeping me, after his prayers, doesn't laugh or smile at me. he instead looked concerned, and when i told him what has happened. he doesn't love either. instead, he squeezed my shoulder and let me weep until i came to my senses. man, thats y i love him. his gestures are enough to tell me, that he's there and will always be there for me. though lily is nomore there. MY LILY.
TO lily, i will always remember u. u are a good friend. and i shall hold u dear always in my heart. i hope u are happy up there in heaven. always know, That i have always love u lily. with all my heart.